Friday, March 9, 2012

Green Basilisk Lizard

2. National Geographics online.
3. Why I picked this article was because I thought it would have some good information in it.
Photo: Green basilisk lizard running on water
4. I liked from this article was that It was short and simple. Another thing I liked about this article was that they had fast facts on there. I also liked that it had good information. Last thing I liked was that it was detailed.
5. I learned frm this article was that the gree basillisk lizard can run on water. I also learned that they can life up to 10 years. I also learned that tey weigh up to 7 oz. Last thing I learned from this article was that they have long toes.
6. I do not have any questions.
7. Yes its about the
A. No I would not want to get one of theses as a pet. Why it just doesnt sound like it would be a good pet.
B. The price of this animal is for $40.
C. for $40. I couldnt find another place you could get a green basilisk lizard.
D.  Yes they have morphs. It didnt say how many it had though.
E.  The price for the morph green basilisk lizard I can't find it, but it said there was morphs.

G. Yes they are endagered in the wild.
H. You do need a permit to get a green basilisk lizard.
I. Yes they are kept in captivity.
8. Care for the green basilisk lizard is they need  cage or tank they can stay in. They also need a sertion type of lighting. They eat insects and some other types of bugs.
9. This animal is concidered a beginner pet.
10. The most interested thing I learned about the green basilisk lizard is that they can run on water.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Marbled Salamander

2.March 2011
3.I picked this article because it looked very interesting.
4. What I liked about this article is that it has good pictures in it and it also wasn't to long it also had captions to tell you what it was going to be about. Last it had semi good detail.
5. What I learned from this article is that the size of the salamander is that it is 4-5 inches another thing I learned I learned is that they live up to 10 years or a little longer. In captivity they will eat crickets. The last thing i learned is that all the salamanders that get sold are field collected.
6.No i don't have any questions.
7. Its about the marbledsalamander
A.I would not want to purchase this animal because they would be a lot of work.
B. The current market price is $30.00
D. Yes there is morphs for the marble saamader. I don't know how may there are though.
E. Price of a marbled salamaner morph I can't find the price of it.

G.  Yes they are endanered in the wild
H. You do not need a permit to get a marbld saamander ether.
I. They they are kept in captiviy.
8. The care requirements for this pet is they need a cage. They also need lighting. They need water in there cage or tank to.
9. This animal is considered a beginner pet.
10. The most intersting thing I learned about this animal was that they are not that big. I thought they would be bigger then that.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Exotic Egyptians

2. September 2010
3. The reason i chose this reptile article is that it has good information in it

4.What i like about this article is that it has good information in it it also is very detailed and is very descriptive and. Next what i liked about the article is that it is very organized and neat.What i liked next was that it has really good pictures.
5. What i learned from this article is that the Egyptian tortoise comes from a very harsh habitat consisting of sparsely vegetated sandy soil. I also learned that the Egyptian tortoise is one of the smallest tortoise in the world. Next i learned that the females are much larger in size.
6.No i do not have any questions about this animal.
7.A. I would not want to purchase one of theses animals because they would be a lot of work to take care of.
   B. I can not find the price.
   C. Since I cant find the price I cant find a website.
   D. I cant find one.
  E. Cant find the price since i cant find a morph.

G. Yes they are endangered in the wild
H. They do not need a permit
I. They are kept in captivity.
8. The care requirements for this animal is that I cant find the care requirements for this animal
9. this is a beginner animal
10.The most interesting thing i learned about this animal is that it is the smallest tortoise in the world.

Beloved Beardies

2. January 2005
3.I chose this article because it looked interesting and it looked like an easy article to write about.

4. What i liked about this article is that it was an easy article to use and i also like how short it was and how descriptive.Next i liked how the pictures stand out.
5.I found out that most of the bearded dragons found in the wild are fairly drab in color. I also learned that a bearded dragon is the most popular  reptile among pet owners hobby sitters and breeders.
6. No i do not have any questions about this animal.
7.A. I would want to purchase one of these animals because it would just be really cool to own a bearded dragon and they aren't a real hard animal to take care of.
B. The current market price of a bearded dragon is about $50.00
C. $50.00 $50.00
D.Yes there is morphs there is quite a few of them.
E.Cant find the price

G.They are not endangered animals
H. You do not need a permit.
I. They are not kept in captivity.
8.The care requirements for this animal they have a certain light and they eat crickets and they need a cage.
9.This animal is considered a beginner animal.
10. The most interesting thing i learned about this animal is that the morphs are really small.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Green Sea Turtle

2. National Georaphics online.
3. Why I picked the article was beceause I thought it would be a very good article to do and it looked interesting.
Photo: Green sea turtle
4. I liked from this article that it had a lot of detail. I also liked that it wasnt to long. Another thing I liked was that there was a map that showed where the green sea turtle was from. Last thing I liked from this article was that it had some great information.
5. I learned from this article was that is a very large sea turtle. Another thing I learned from this article was that they can live over 80 years. I also learned that they weigh up to 700 pounds. Last thing I learned from this article was that te gren sea turtle can't put it's head in it's shell.
6. I do have a question. What do the green sea turtles eat.
7. It's about the green sea turtle.
A. No to having one as a pet. Why is vbeacuse it just doesnt sound fun having one as a pet.
B. The price for a green sea turtle you can't find because you can't get one.
C. Can't find a place to get one because I couldnt fid the price of one because you can't have them as pets.
D. There are not any morphs for the green sea turtle.
E. cost of mophs for the renn sea turtle since there is know morrphs for the green sea turtle there is know price.
F. know picture because know morphs for the green sea turtle.
G. Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. You do not need a permit to have a green sea turtle there just not really pets.
I. Yes there kept in captivity.
8.  Can't find t cre requriements for the green sea turtle probly because you can't have them as pes.
9. This animalis considered a expert pet.
10. The most interesting thing about this green sea turtle is that it's head can't  go in it's shell.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Large and majestic

2. September 2010
3 I picked this article because it looked really interesting and it also was the next one in the magazine.

4.what i liked about this article is that it is not a very long article and i liked that it is a well organized article. The next thing i liked was the pictures.Next i liked how much detail it has.
5.what i learned from this article is that a cage should have a night temperature of about 78 degrees. Next there diet should be dark green leafy vegetables.Next when they mate they match like instincts with each other. Last the skinks do not like each other because they are the opposite sex.
6. I do not have any questions.
7.A. I would not want to purchase this animal because it is not my favorite one.
  B.The current market price for this animal ....... i cant find the price of this animal
  C.since i couldn't find the price of this animal i couldn't find two websites.
   D.Yes... i do not know how many there are but there is a lot.
    E. I can not find the cost.

G. They are endangered in the wild.
H. You don't need a permit.
I. These animals are kept in captivity.
8. They need a tank big enough for them they also need certain lights.
9. This is a beginner animal.
10. The most interesting thing i learned about this animal is that they can be different colors.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

African fat-tailed gecko

2. September 2010.
3. why did I choose this article I choose this article because it looked interesting and it is not a lengthy article.

4. what I liked about the article is that it was short and simple to read. It also had very little but very detailed information. I also liked the pictures. I also liked how the article is set up.
5.what i learned about this article is that a fat tailed geckos that they are being bred in increased numbers. next thing i learned is that they eat crickets wax worms and other things. lot of the lush is covered with this animal.  the fat tailed gecko can live 15-20 years or more.
6. I do not have questions.
7. Yes its about the African fat-tailed gecko.
A. Yes I would want to get one. Why is because
B. The current market price is for $120.
C. You can buy them at for $120 or so. Another place can be at for about $65 and up for a African fat-tailed gecko.
D. Yes there is color morphs of the African fat-tailed gecko. I do not know how many, but theres a lot.
E. The cost of the morph African fat-taild gecko is about $65 to $90 maybe more.
G. Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. No you do not need a permit to get one.
I.Yes they are kept in captivity.
8. The care requirements for the African fat-tailed gecko is they need a cage. They need water and they can eat crickets, but can eat some other stuff to. They need to high some sort of lighting to.
9. This animal is considered a beginner pet for someone that knows what there doing with it.
10. Most interesting thing I learned about th rican fat-tailed gecko is that there tail is really ugly looking.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Draco Lizard

2. National geograhic online.
3. I picked this article because I saw the picture and it looked very cool.
Photo: Close-up of a lizard
4. I liked from this article was that it was very detailed. It had great information. It wasn't to short or to long. Last the picture on it so got me to read the whole article.
5. I lerned from this article was that move on the trees in the jungle. They are about 8.5 in. in size. Another thing I learned from this article was that there alo called flying lizards. Last thing I learned from this article was that females must go to the ground to despite the eggs.
6. I do not have any question.
7. Its about the draco lizard.
A. I think it would be cool to get a draco lizard.
B. The price for the draco lizard is about $30 or more.
C. You can get one at for $30. Another place you can get one is for $24.
D.  Yes there are draco lizard morphs. Theres a few of them not many though.
E. I can't find the price of the draco lizard morphs.

G.  Yes it is endangered in the wild
H. I don't think you need an permit to have a draco lizard.
I. They are not really kept in captivity.
8. Care requirements for the draco lizard is they need a tank that is big enough so they can fly in it. Really didnt find anything eles about the care.
9. I think this could be a beginner pet. Why is because it seems easy to take care of it.
10. Most interesting thing about the draco lizard is that the female has to come to the ground to lay there eggs.

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

2. National Geographics online.
3. I picked this article because it looked like it would be a good one.

Photo: Olive ridley sea turtle
4. What I liked about the article was that the picture had words right under it telling you about the picture. I also liked that it had fast facts. I also liked that they made it little pararaphes. Last thing I liked about this article is that they showed a turtle video if you wanted to whach it.
5. I learned from this article was that the size of the olive ridely sea turtle is about 2 to 2.5 ft. Another thing I learned from this article was that they weight of them is 100 pounds. Another thing I learned from this article is that you can know if there female by there tail. Last thing I learned about this article is that they can feed on jellyfish and some other things to.
6. I do got a question. Can you see these oliveridley sea turtles in different colors.
7. Its about the olive ridley sea turtle.
A. Yes I might want to get one because they seem like they would be cool pets to have.
B. price of the olive ridley sea turtle I can't find because I guess you can't have them as pets.
C. Don't know where you can geta live ridley sea turtle because I can't find a price.
D. Yes theres morphs. I don't know how many though.
E. Can't find the price of the morphs though.

G.  Yes they are endangered in the wild
H. Some place I think it was saying you do need a permit while others you don't
I. Yes kept in captivity.
8. Care requiements for the olive ridley sea turtle can't find much about the requirements. All it said was that it can eat jellyfish and some other stuff.
9. The olive ridley sea turtle I think should be an expert pet. Why is because There very big I don't even thing you can have them as pets.
10. Most interesting thing about the olive ridley ea turtle I found out is that they can eat jellyfish.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eastern Coral Snake

2. National Geographic online.
3. I picked this article because I couldnt find anything eles that looked good to read.
Photo: Coral snake
4. I liked from is article that it had great information. It was short, but had the information. It also was detailed. Last thing I liked from this article was that there was more then one picture and it just wasnt of th eastrncoral snake.
5. I learned from this article that they bite human when steped on or when handled. Another thing I learned from this article was that they can eat lizards and some other things. I also learned that they are 20 to 30 in. Last thing I learned from this article is that they can live up to 7 years.
6. I do not have questions.
7. Its about the eastern coral snake.
A. I would not want to get a eastern coral snake. Why is because they can bite you and some what harm you.
B. The price for the eastern coral snake I can't find, but its saying you can have them and get them as pets.
C. Can't find online where you can get them, but it says you can get them as pets. So theres got to be a place you can get one.
D. Yes there is morphs of the eastern coral snake. Can't find out how many there is.
E. Can't find the price of the morph easterncoral snake.

H. It is not endangered in the wild.
I. Not ketin captivity.
8. Care for the eastern coral snake is they eat lizards, frog and some other things. They need a tank or tub that is big enough so they can stay in it. They also need water.
9. This pet is an expert pet I think is because if you handle it its going to bite you and a few other things,
10. Most interesting thing I learned from this article was that they can only live to be about 7 years old.

flying snake

2. National Geographic online.
3. Why I picked this article is because I never hurd of this snake and thought it would be a good one to read.
Photo: A flying snake in flight
4. I liked from this article is that th picture was on top before the article so you could see what te flying snake was before reading it. I also liked that it gave good information. It also wasnt boring like some articles are. Last thing I liked from is article is that pretty short and to the point. Not going on forever about nothing.
5. I learned from this article was that it can get to the size of a 6ft man. Another thing I learned from this article is that they are the best glider snake. I also learned that they can eat frogs and some other stuff. Last thing I learned from this article is that they can fly, but people don't really know why they can.
6. Yes I got a question. Why can they fly.
7. Its about the flying snake.
A. No to getting a flying snake because its sounds like it would be hard.
B. price or the flying snake I can't find online.
C. Can' find price so can't find where you can get one.
D. Yes there is morph. I don' know how many.
E. Can't find the cost of the flying snake morphs online.

G. They are not endangered in the wild.
H.  I don' think you need apermit to ave a flying snake, but some places you might it despences.
I. Not kept in captivity I don't think
8. Care requirements for the flying snake is you need  tank big ehough for it. It should have a log so it can clime on when wants to. It can eat mice and some other things to. Make sure you clean the cage when ever it is a little dirty. They need a bowl of water to. There temptures should be at 72 degress F. You should mist them once and a while each week.
9. Its considered a intermediate pet because since it can fly it sounds like it could be harder.
10. Most interesting thing about the flying snake is that it can fly because I never thought a snake could fly.

Amazon Horned Frog

2. National Geographic online.
3. I picked this article because it looked like a easy article to do.

4. I liked from this article was that it was very ineresting. It also had alot of information. It told me more then I thought it would.  Last thing I liked was that it show a cup conpared to the amazon horned frog in size and I thought that was cool.
5. I lerned from this article is where it is from. I also leanred that they do get big, but not that big. Anthother thing I learned from this article is that females are larger then the males. Last thing I learned from this article is that they can be found in freshwater marshes ad some pool in some countrys not all.
6. I do not have a question.
7. Its about the amazon horned frog.
A. No to getting a amazon horned frog. Why is because they just don't look like they would be fun to have for a pet.
B. The price for one of the amason horned frog I can't find so I don't know what it is.
C. Can't find a price so can' find a place online that you can get a amazon horned frog.
 D. Yes there is morphs for the amazon horned frog. Don't know how many though.
E. Can't find the price of them though. but I know they have them.

G.  Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. No you do not need a permit to get a amazon horned frog.
I. Yes there kept in captivity.
8. Care requirements for the amazon horned frog I can't find online I looked every where.
9. The amazon horned frog is considered a beginner pet if you know what your doing with frogs and know how to take care of them.
10. Most interesting thing about the amazon horned frog is that the females are bigger then the males. Never would of thought that.

Alligator Snapping Turtle

2. National Geographic online.
3. I picked this article because I never herd of this animal before and thought it would be a good article to do and interesting.

4. What I liked about this article was that it had very good information about the alligator snapping turtle. I also liked that it told me where it was from. I aslo liked that the article was kind of short and to the point. Not going on forever. Another thing I liked from this article was that it told me how long they can live to be. Last thing I liked about this article is that this is avery intresting animal.
5. I learned from this article was that they can get to the size of a 6ft man. I also learned that they can be under water for 20 to 40 mins before comeing up for air. Another thing I lerned from this article is that they spend most the time in the water when adults. Last thing I learned from this aritcle was that the alligator snapping turtle can live up to 50 to 100 years old.
6. Yes I got an question. It is can they hurt people.
7. Its the alligator sapping turtle.
A. No to getting a alligator snapping turtle is because they look freaking and looks like they could hurt you.
B. The price for an alligator snapping turtle is about $30 maybe more or less despence on where you get one.
C. You can get them at for $28. I can't find another place where you can get them.
D. Yes to morphs of this animal. I don't know how many though do not say.
E. The cost of the mophs I can't find online, but I know they have morph alligator snapping turtle.

G. Yes endangered in the wild.
H. Some places I think you do need a permit, but some places I don't think you do so it desences.
I. Yes kept in captivity.
8.  Care requiremets for the alligator snapping turtle is that they can eat frogs, fish, snakes and some other things. They need to live in deep water in a river or swamp ad some other places to.
9. The alligator snapping turtle is cosidered a intermediate pet. Why is because I looks like it would be hard to have one.
10. Most interesting thing I lerned about this animal is that it can go under water for a long time without comeing up for air. thougtht that was cool.

American Crocodiles

2. National Geographics online.
3. I picked this article because it looked like it would be a good article to do.

4. I liked from this article that it had lots of information. It also had a map of where the American crocodile is from. I also liked that it should a picture of a person and the crocodiles conparing it in size. Last thing I liked about this article was that it wasnt to long.
5. I learned that the American crocodiles can get very big. Another thing I learned about this was that they weigh about 2,000 pounds. I also learned that some of them live in southern Florida. Last thing that I learned was that there one of the largest in the world.
6. Got no question about the American crocodile.
7.  Its about the American crocodile.
A. No to having one as a pet because there to big and just would not be fun.
B. There is no price for the american crocodiles.
C. Can't find a place where you can get them because can't find a price for them.
D. Yes there is morphs of this animal.
E. It does not say how much the morphs are because I don't think you can get them.

G. Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. I don't think you need a permit to get one because I don't think you can get one.
I.  Yes kept in captivity.
8. Care requirements for the American crocodiles I could not find. It might be becuse you can't have them as pets.
9. Its an inermedute pet I think because it sounds like it would be hard to have a American crocodile.
10. Most interesting thing about the American crocodile is that it gets very big. Bigger then I thought they could get.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Found in Galápagos Reptiles

2. January 2012.
3. I picked this article because I couldnt really fine anything eles on online so thought this would be a goo article to rread.

4. I liked in the aticle that it was pretty short and to the point. I also liked that they had  piture with the  Iguanas and where its fom. There was something they told about some other animals dealing withthe iguannas to I thought was interesting. Last thing I liked was that it told me where you can ge a iguannas to.
5. I lerned in this article was that 150,000 go to Galapagos and tons life there right now. Another thing I learned in this article was about theres a bunch of different kinds of Galapagos reptiles. It also told me about the island i Galapagos. Last thing I learned was that it was not the first to study that wild animalslie near humans there.
6. I do have a question for you. Question is about how many different Galapagos reptiles are there out there?
7. Is about a iguanas and some other Galapagos reptiles.
A. No to getting a igunanas or  a different kind of Galapagos reptiles. Why is because it just doesnt sound fun to me at all.
B.  Current price for a iguanas is $18 some times more depences on where you go.
C. You can get them at for $40 and up to $4,000. Another place is for $20 and up.
D.  Yes there is morphs of the igunanas. There is alot I think.
E. Cast of morphs can get $4,000 or less depence on where you get it.

G. Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. No permit to get a iguanas.
I. Yes iguanas are kep in captivity.
8. Care requirements for the iguanas is they need a tank to stay in. They need a certain kind of light for there tank. They eat crickets. They also eat green leaves, beans and some other stuff. The light does not need to be on all the time.
9. This animal is considere an beginner pet.
10. Most interesting thing I learned was that theres many different morphs of the iguanas.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Egg Poaching Hoax

2. march 2011.
3. Why I picked this article is because the title souned intrested and the pictures looked really intresting,

4. I liked that this article was short and to the point. It had very interesting information. The picture almost made me not want to read it, but I did any ways. They also harvest the eggs.
5. What I learned about the article is that they have limited amount of beach that they can nest at. They also the sea turtles egg consumption os part of the native culture. Another thing I learned about the article is that if you have internet connection you can see picutres of the appearing to te egg. They dig up remaing eggs in nest.
6. No questions about the sea turtle.
7. Its about the sea turtle.
A. No To having as a pet. Why is because I think it would be very hard to have a sea turtle.
B. Current market price for the sea turtle I can't find. I don't think you can buy them since I can't find out what the price is, but I don't no.
C. I don't know where you can get them because I can't find a price.
D. Yes I think they do have morphs. I don't know how many though.
E. Can't find the cost.

G. Yes some are endangered in the wild.
H. I think they need a permit.
I. Yes some sea turtles are kept in captivity.
8. The care requirements for the sea turtle is when there little it may take 7 days to come up. Theres really not much care requirements for the sea turtle since you don't have them as pets.
9. this animal is considered an expert pet. Why is becuase they are very hard to take care I think.
10. The most interesting thing I found out about the sea turtle is that you really can't have them as pets.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wanted Marbled Salamander

2. March 2011
3. Why I picked this article is beause it looked like it could anwner all the questions I have to do.

4. I liked this article because it was short. Another reason I liked it was becue it had headdings on the differnt parts. I also Liked that there were more then one picture. Last and finle thing I liked was that it had detail things in it.
5. I learned that they can eat crikets. I also learned that for sale in field collected. Another thing I learned was that the size of it is 4 to 5 inches. Last thing I learned was that they are from South and New England.
6.  I do have a question what colors can you get them in.
7. Its about the Marble salamander.
A. No to gettng a marbled salamander. Why is because they look ugly.
B. The current market price for the marbled salamander is $30 bucks or more.
C. You can get one at for $30. You can also get a marbled salamander at for $20.
D. Yes they have morphs.  It does not say how many though.
E. Cost of morph is $30.

G. Yes they are endagnered in the wild.
H. I don't think you need a permit to get a marbled salamander.
I. Yes it is kept in captivity.
8.  Care requirments for the marbld salamander is it needs a tank to stay in with some water for it to drink. It can eats long worms every day. It needs a small dim light not to bright.
9. This animl is considered an beginner pet.
10. The most interesting thing I found out about the marbled salamander is that there not very big. I thought they would get alot bigger.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rosy Boa Fanatic

2. January 2000
3.i chose this article because it looked like an interesting article to read and it was an article that stood out to me.

4. what i liked about the article is learning where the snakes come from and there habitat. I also like that the article had a good amount of information in it. It gives a lot of good reasoning and the picture looked interesting so i decided to read it.and it also had a lot of detail in it. It was also really boring.
5. What i learned about this article is if you find an albino baby in the wild you will be uncertain on whether it will have babies or not. Another one is that no one breeder has seen only 50 50 of the same sex of the rosy boa.Bern and Betty are not only the two pioneer snakes. Lastly i learned that in breeding reptiles finding niche that you can concentrate on.
6. I do not have any questions about the article i read.
7.A. No i do not want to buy this animal because it is not my favourite type of snake.
B.the current market price is about 85 dollars and up depending on the sex of it and some of them can be more depending on the type of it
C. and this one is about 100 dollars. they are all sold out right now
D. They do have more and there is about twenty of them.
E. the price for the morphs are about 72 to 1500.
G. They are not endangered in the wild.
H. You do need a permit in some places for instance in California.
I. It is not a good thing to have a rosy boa.
8. The care requirement for a rosy boa is the water should be refilled each day and they get fed once or twice a week and there should be a large enough cage for them to live in and there should be rocks in the bottom of there cage and there house should be cleaned once a week or more.
9. This pet is good for beginners.
10. The most interesting thing i learned about this animal is that is not endangered in the wild.