Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eastern Coral Snake

2. National Geographic online.
3. I picked this article because I couldnt find anything eles that looked good to read.
Photo: Coral snake
4. I liked from is article that it had great information. It was short, but had the information. It also was detailed. Last thing I liked from this article was that there was more then one picture and it just wasnt of th eastrncoral snake.
5. I learned from this article that they bite human when steped on or when handled. Another thing I learned from this article was that they can eat lizards and some other things. I also learned that they are 20 to 30 in. Last thing I learned from this article is that they can live up to 7 years.
6. I do not have questions.
7. Its about the eastern coral snake.
A. I would not want to get a eastern coral snake. Why is because they can bite you and some what harm you.
B. The price for the eastern coral snake I can't find, but its saying you can have them and get them as pets.
C. Can't find online where you can get them, but it says you can get them as pets. So theres got to be a place you can get one.
D. Yes there is morphs of the eastern coral snake. Can't find out how many there is.
E. Can't find the price of the morph easterncoral snake.

H. It is not endangered in the wild.
I. Not ketin captivity.
8. Care for the eastern coral snake is they eat lizards, frog and some other things. They need a tank or tub that is big enough so they can stay in it. They also need water.
9. This pet is an expert pet I think is because if you handle it its going to bite you and a few other things,
10. Most interesting thing I learned from this article was that they can only live to be about 7 years old.

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