Monday, March 5, 2012

Beloved Beardies

2. January 2005
3.I chose this article because it looked interesting and it looked like an easy article to write about.

4. What i liked about this article is that it was an easy article to use and i also like how short it was and how descriptive.Next i liked how the pictures stand out.
5.I found out that most of the bearded dragons found in the wild are fairly drab in color. I also learned that a bearded dragon is the most popular  reptile among pet owners hobby sitters and breeders.
6. No i do not have any questions about this animal.
7.A. I would want to purchase one of these animals because it would just be really cool to own a bearded dragon and they aren't a real hard animal to take care of.
B. The current market price of a bearded dragon is about $50.00
C. $50.00 $50.00
D.Yes there is morphs there is quite a few of them.
E.Cant find the price

G.They are not endangered animals
H. You do not need a permit.
I. They are not kept in captivity.
8.The care requirements for this animal they have a certain light and they eat crickets and they need a cage.
9.This animal is considered a beginner animal.
10. The most interesting thing i learned about this animal is that the morphs are really small.

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