Friday, March 9, 2012

Green Basilisk Lizard

2. National Geographics online.
3. Why I picked this article was because I thought it would have some good information in it.
Photo: Green basilisk lizard running on water
4. I liked from this article was that It was short and simple. Another thing I liked about this article was that they had fast facts on there. I also liked that it had good information. Last thing I liked was that it was detailed.
5. I learned frm this article was that the gree basillisk lizard can run on water. I also learned that they can life up to 10 years. I also learned that tey weigh up to 7 oz. Last thing I learned from this article was that they have long toes.
6. I do not have any questions.
7. Yes its about the
A. No I would not want to get one of theses as a pet. Why it just doesnt sound like it would be a good pet.
B. The price of this animal is for $40.
C. for $40. I couldnt find another place you could get a green basilisk lizard.
D.  Yes they have morphs. It didnt say how many it had though.
E.  The price for the morph green basilisk lizard I can't find it, but it said there was morphs.

G. Yes they are endagered in the wild.
H. You do need a permit to get a green basilisk lizard.
I. Yes they are kept in captivity.
8. Care for the green basilisk lizard is they need  cage or tank they can stay in. They also need a sertion type of lighting. They eat insects and some other types of bugs.
9. This animal is concidered a beginner pet.
10. The most interested thing I learned about the green basilisk lizard is that they can run on water.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Marbled Salamander

2.March 2011
3.I picked this article because it looked very interesting.
4. What I liked about this article is that it has good pictures in it and it also wasn't to long it also had captions to tell you what it was going to be about. Last it had semi good detail.
5. What I learned from this article is that the size of the salamander is that it is 4-5 inches another thing I learned I learned is that they live up to 10 years or a little longer. In captivity they will eat crickets. The last thing i learned is that all the salamanders that get sold are field collected.
6.No i don't have any questions.
7. Its about the marbledsalamander
A.I would not want to purchase this animal because they would be a lot of work.
B. The current market price is $30.00
D. Yes there is morphs for the marble saamader. I don't know how may there are though.
E. Price of a marbled salamaner morph I can't find the price of it.

G.  Yes they are endanered in the wild
H. You do not need a permit to get a marbld saamander ether.
I. They they are kept in captiviy.
8. The care requirements for this pet is they need a cage. They also need lighting. They need water in there cage or tank to.
9. This animal is considered a beginner pet.
10. The most intersting thing I learned about this animal was that they are not that big. I thought they would be bigger then that.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Exotic Egyptians

2. September 2010
3. The reason i chose this reptile article is that it has good information in it

4.What i like about this article is that it has good information in it it also is very detailed and is very descriptive and. Next what i liked about the article is that it is very organized and neat.What i liked next was that it has really good pictures.
5. What i learned from this article is that the Egyptian tortoise comes from a very harsh habitat consisting of sparsely vegetated sandy soil. I also learned that the Egyptian tortoise is one of the smallest tortoise in the world. Next i learned that the females are much larger in size.
6.No i do not have any questions about this animal.
7.A. I would not want to purchase one of theses animals because they would be a lot of work to take care of.
   B. I can not find the price.
   C. Since I cant find the price I cant find a website.
   D. I cant find one.
  E. Cant find the price since i cant find a morph.

G. Yes they are endangered in the wild
H. They do not need a permit
I. They are kept in captivity.
8. The care requirements for this animal is that I cant find the care requirements for this animal
9. this is a beginner animal
10.The most interesting thing i learned about this animal is that it is the smallest tortoise in the world.

Beloved Beardies

2. January 2005
3.I chose this article because it looked interesting and it looked like an easy article to write about.

4. What i liked about this article is that it was an easy article to use and i also like how short it was and how descriptive.Next i liked how the pictures stand out.
5.I found out that most of the bearded dragons found in the wild are fairly drab in color. I also learned that a bearded dragon is the most popular  reptile among pet owners hobby sitters and breeders.
6. No i do not have any questions about this animal.
7.A. I would want to purchase one of these animals because it would just be really cool to own a bearded dragon and they aren't a real hard animal to take care of.
B. The current market price of a bearded dragon is about $50.00
C. $50.00 $50.00
D.Yes there is morphs there is quite a few of them.
E.Cant find the price

G.They are not endangered animals
H. You do not need a permit.
I. They are not kept in captivity.
8.The care requirements for this animal they have a certain light and they eat crickets and they need a cage.
9.This animal is considered a beginner animal.
10. The most interesting thing i learned about this animal is that the morphs are really small.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Green Sea Turtle

2. National Georaphics online.
3. Why I picked the article was beceause I thought it would be a very good article to do and it looked interesting.
Photo: Green sea turtle
4. I liked from this article that it had a lot of detail. I also liked that it wasnt to long. Another thing I liked was that there was a map that showed where the green sea turtle was from. Last thing I liked from this article was that it had some great information.
5. I learned from this article was that is a very large sea turtle. Another thing I learned from this article was that they can live over 80 years. I also learned that they weigh up to 700 pounds. Last thing I learned from this article was that te gren sea turtle can't put it's head in it's shell.
6. I do have a question. What do the green sea turtles eat.
7. It's about the green sea turtle.
A. No to having one as a pet. Why is vbeacuse it just doesnt sound fun having one as a pet.
B. The price for a green sea turtle you can't find because you can't get one.
C. Can't find a place to get one because I couldnt fid the price of one because you can't have them as pets.
D. There are not any morphs for the green sea turtle.
E. cost of mophs for the renn sea turtle since there is know morrphs for the green sea turtle there is know price.
F. know picture because know morphs for the green sea turtle.
G. Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. You do not need a permit to have a green sea turtle there just not really pets.
I. Yes there kept in captivity.
8.  Can't find t cre requriements for the green sea turtle probly because you can't have them as pes.
9. This animalis considered a expert pet.
10. The most interesting thing about this green sea turtle is that it's head can't  go in it's shell.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Large and majestic

2. September 2010
3 I picked this article because it looked really interesting and it also was the next one in the magazine.

4.what i liked about this article is that it is not a very long article and i liked that it is a well organized article. The next thing i liked was the pictures.Next i liked how much detail it has.
5.what i learned from this article is that a cage should have a night temperature of about 78 degrees. Next there diet should be dark green leafy vegetables.Next when they mate they match like instincts with each other. Last the skinks do not like each other because they are the opposite sex.
6. I do not have any questions.
7.A. I would not want to purchase this animal because it is not my favorite one.
  B.The current market price for this animal ....... i cant find the price of this animal
  C.since i couldn't find the price of this animal i couldn't find two websites.
   D.Yes... i do not know how many there are but there is a lot.
    E. I can not find the cost.

G. They are endangered in the wild.
H. You don't need a permit.
I. These animals are kept in captivity.
8. They need a tank big enough for them they also need certain lights.
9. This is a beginner animal.
10. The most interesting thing i learned about this animal is that they can be different colors.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

African fat-tailed gecko

2. September 2010.
3. why did I choose this article I choose this article because it looked interesting and it is not a lengthy article.

4. what I liked about the article is that it was short and simple to read. It also had very little but very detailed information. I also liked the pictures. I also liked how the article is set up.
5.what i learned about this article is that a fat tailed geckos that they are being bred in increased numbers. next thing i learned is that they eat crickets wax worms and other things. lot of the lush is covered with this animal.  the fat tailed gecko can live 15-20 years or more.
6. I do not have questions.
7. Yes its about the African fat-tailed gecko.
A. Yes I would want to get one. Why is because
B. The current market price is for $120.
C. You can buy them at for $120 or so. Another place can be at for about $65 and up for a African fat-tailed gecko.
D. Yes there is color morphs of the African fat-tailed gecko. I do not know how many, but theres a lot.
E. The cost of the morph African fat-taild gecko is about $65 to $90 maybe more.
G. Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. No you do not need a permit to get one.
I.Yes they are kept in captivity.
8. The care requirements for the African fat-tailed gecko is they need a cage. They need water and they can eat crickets, but can eat some other stuff to. They need to high some sort of lighting to.
9. This animal is considered a beginner pet for someone that knows what there doing with it.
10. Most interesting thing I learned about th rican fat-tailed gecko is that there tail is really ugly looking.