3. Why I picked this article is beause it looked like it could anwner all the questions I have to do.
4. I liked this article because it was short. Another reason I liked it was becue it had headdings on the differnt parts. I also Liked that there were more then one picture. Last and finle thing I liked was that it had detail things in it.
5. I learned that they can eat crikets. I also learned that for sale in field collected. Another thing I learned was that the size of it is 4 to 5 inches. Last thing I learned was that they are from South and New England.
6. I do have a question what colors can you get them in.
7. Its about the Marble salamander.
A. No to gettng a marbled salamander. Why is because they look ugly.
B. The current market price for the marbled salamander is $30 bucks or more.
C. You can get one at http://www.reptilecity.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=reptiles&Product_Code=MS2&Category_Code=SALAMANDERSn for $30. You can also get a marbled salamander at http://www.floridaherps.com/products/Marbled-Salamander.html for $20.
D. Yes they have morphs. It does not say how many though.
E. Cost of morph is $30.
G. Yes they are endagnered in the wild.
H. I don't think you need a permit to get a marbled salamander.
I. Yes it is kept in captivity.
8. Care requirments for the marbld salamander is it needs a tank to stay in with some water for it to drink. It can eats long worms every day. It needs a small dim light not to bright.
9. This animl is considered an beginner pet.
10. The most interesting thing I found out about the marbled salamander is that there not very big. I thought they would get alot bigger.
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