3. Why I picked this article was because I thought it would have some good information in it.
4. I liked from this article was that It was short and simple. Another thing I liked about this article was that they had fast facts on there. I also liked that it had good information. Last thing I liked was that it was detailed.
5. I learned frm this article was that the gree basillisk lizard can run on water. I also learned that they can life up to 10 years. I also learned that tey weigh up to 7 oz. Last thing I learned from this article was that they have long toes.
6. I do not have any questions.
7. Yes its about the
A. No I would not want to get one of theses as a pet. Why it just doesnt sound like it would be a good pet.
B. The price of this animal is for $40.
C. http://www.backwaterreptiles.com/other-lizards/green-basilisk-for-sale.html for $40. I couldnt find another place you could get a green basilisk lizard.
D. Yes they have morphs. It didnt say how many it had though.
E. The price for the morph green basilisk lizard I can't find it, but it said there was morphs.
G. Yes they are endagered in the wild.
H. You do need a permit to get a green basilisk lizard.
I. Yes they are kept in captivity.
8. Care for the green basilisk lizard is they need cage or tank they can stay in. They also need a sertion type of lighting. They eat insects and some other types of bugs.
9. This animal is concidered a beginner pet.
10. The most interested thing I learned about the green basilisk lizard is that they can run on water.